오늘의 표현 16-20편!

오늘의 표현 20: ‘우리는 공통점이 많아’를 영어로!

We have a lot in common.
We have so many things in common.
We have so much in common.

We have nothing in common.

오늘의 표현 19: Remind me! (상기시키다)

Remind me to take out the trash later.
Remind me later to take out the trash.
Remind me to study later.
Remind me to call Dad later.
Remind me to give this back to you later.
Remind me that I need to pay you back for dinner.

오늘의 표현 18: Wishy-washy (‘우유부단하다’를 영어로!)

That guy is so indecisive!
He can never make up his mind.
He was criticized for being too wishy-washy.
His critics say that he flip-flopped on the issues.

오늘의 표현 17: Playing phone tag! (친구와 답답하게 연락이 안 될 때 쓸 수 있는 재미있는 숙어)

Playing Phone Tag

What is tag?
술래잡기: Tag
술래: it
The kids were playing tag in the park.

We’ve been playing phone tag all day.
We’ve been playing phone tag for a week now.

A: Were you able to get in touch with John.
B: We’ve been playing phone tag all day long.

오늘의 표현 16: I get that a lot! (그런 말을 많이 들어요)

A: Are you from Europe? You look European.
B: No, but I get that a lot.

A: You have an accent. Are you from another country?
B: I get that a lot. Actually, I’m from the US.


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3 thoughts on “오늘의 표현 16-20편!

  1. 쌤…난감하네라는 말을 영어로 어떻게 표현하나요? 사전에는 hopeless, embarrassed, between two fires, catch 22라는 표현 등이 있던데 정확한 표현이 안되는 것 같아서 여쭤봅니다. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVDw265N8aw 유튜브에 올라온 동영상 중에 난감하네라는 곡이 있는데요. ‘난감’이라는 표현을 더 적절하게 설명하고 싶어서 여기 댓글 남깁니다. 시간 되시면 꼭 적절한 단어를 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.

  2. 쌤…안드로이드 유저를 위해서라도….팟빵이나 비욘드팟에서도 EIK들을수 있도록 해주시면 ㄳㄳ

  3. 좋은강의 감사합니다! ㅎㅎ

    다른질문이지만 팟캐스트에 강의들으려면 뭐라고 검색해야하나요?

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