오늘의 표현 8편

EiK Podcast 119: 오늘의 표현 8편

최근에 제 트위터를 통해서 배포한 표현 10 개를 묶어서 올립니다.평상시에 휴대폰으로나 이메일을 통해서 하루에 하나씩 이런 표현 연습을 받고 싶으면 @EnglishinKorean에 가셔서 팔로잉하시면 됩니다.

1. Net, gross: 순(수익 등), 총(수익, 소득 등) A: This business brings in about $60,000 annually. B: Is that 60,000 gross, or net? A: Gross, of course.

2. To show one’s true colors: 본색을 드러내다.At first I thought he was a trustworthy guy, but It didn’t take long for him to show his true colors.

3. To be stuck in a rut: 틀에 박히다. Every day I do the same thing: wake up, go to work, watch TV and go to bed again. I’m stuck in a rut.

4. 궁지에 몰리다: To be driven into a corner. The CEO was left with no choice but to plead guilty. He was driven into a corner by the prosecutors.

5. To have one’s back up against the wall: 궁지에 빠져서 옴짝달싹 못하다. With all this debt, I’ve really got my back up against a wall.

6. Spread the word: 널리 퍼뜨려주세요 / 널리 알려주세요. EnglishinKorean.com is my free English site. Spread the word!

7. To go on a bender: 술을 진탕 마시다. A: How are you feeling? After that bender (명사) last weekend you must be really messed up.B: You guessed it

8. Homebody: 집에 있는 걸 좋아하는 사람. A: Did you invite her to the party? B: There’s no way she’ll come. She’s a total homebody.

9. To ask someone out: 누군가에게 데이트 신청하다. A: I’ve been wanting to ask her out for a long time. B: Well hurry up and do it then!

10. It’s about time: 이제서야. A: I finally got up the courage to ask that girl out. B: It’s about time. You’ve been talking about her for ages.


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