(x) English makes me hard.
(o) English is hard for me.
(x) Recently, I'm hard because...
(o) Recently, I'm having a hard time because...
(x) Especially, I'm sick...
(o) Especially, because I'm sick...
(x) I studied in there for a year.
(o) I studied there for a year.
(x) It was sucks.
(o) It sucked.
(x) I went to Philippine.
(o) I went to the Philippines.
(x) In real
(o) In reality
(o) In real life
(x) Dear my friend
(o) My dear friend
(x) Dear my teacher
(o) My dear teacher
(x) I'm watching the Olympic.
(o) I'm watching the Olympics.
(x) I went to fitness.
(x) I went to health.
(o) I worked out.
(o) I went to the gym.
(x) Don't do like that.
(o) Don't do it like that.
(o) Don't do it that way.
(x) I was busy to study all weekend.
(o) I was busy studying all weekend.
(x) I have another schedule.
(x) I have another plan.
(o) I have other plans.
(x) This restaurant has lots of menus
(o) This restaurant has a big menu
(o) This restaurant has a variety of entrees
(x) I'm at my company.
(o) I'm at work.
(x) He entered a good college.
(o) He got into a good college.
(x) near from
(o) near
(o) near to
(x) He suggested me to go there
(o) He suggested that I go there
(x) His skin is so greasy
(o) His skin is so oily
(x) Cream spaghetti is too greasy
(x) This cake is too greasy
(o) This cake is too rich
(o) This spaghetti is too rich
(x) Mama boy
(o) Mama's boy
(x) I've been to the US last year
(o) I went to the US last year
(o) I've been to the US
(x) He didn't answer my phone
(o) He didn't answer my call
(x) It was my first time to go there
(x) This is my first time to come here
(o) It was the first time I had gone there
(o) This is my first time here
(o) This is the first time I've been here
(x) He praised me
(o) He complimented me
(x) Even I go there, ...
(o) Even if I go there, ...
(x) He is leaving to America
(o) He is leaving for America
(x) He is a staff there
(o) He is a member of the staff there
(x) I have a plan with my friend
(o) I have plans with my friend
(x) I had a promise with him
(o) I had plans with him
(x) He recommended me to see that
(o) He recommended that I see that
(x) I'll leave after 15 minutes
(x) I'll leave 15 minutes later
(o) I'll leave in 15 minutes
(x) I'm so stressful
(o) I'm so stressed out
(x) He has no enough
(o) He doesn't have enough
(x) I'm in an English study
(o) I'm in an English study group
(x) What's the spell?
(o) What's the spelling?
(o) How do you spell that?
(x) I want to include in this
(o) I want to be included in this
(x) Teach me slangs
(o) Teach me slang
(x) He's my senior
(o) He's a senior employee
(o) He's my superior
(x) It's service
(o) It's on the house
(x) 5km
(o) 5 km
(x) I went to abroad
(o) I went abroad
(x) May I have your sign?
(o) May I have your signature?
(x) Comming soon
(o) Coming soon
(x) Grand open
(o) Grand opening
(x) Make him to study
(o) Make him study
(x) 25-years-old man
(o) 25-year-old man
(x) I like here
(o) I like it here
(x) I took subway
(o) I took the subway
(전화할 때)
(x) I am Jungmin
(o) This is Jungmin
(x) I have so much stuffs
(o) I have so much stuff
(x) He's so a nice guy
(o) He's such a nice guy
(x) His saying is right
(o) What he's saying is right
(x) Congratulation
(o) Congratulations
(x) I told to him
(o) I told him
(x) He's in twenties
(o) He's in his twenties
(x) The world best
(o) The world's best
(x) My condition is not good
(o) I'm not in good condition
(x) I called to my friend
(o) I called my friend
(x) The teacher yelled to him
(o) The teacher yelled at him
(x) It's very hard to me
(o) It's very hard for me
Podcast about this!
(x) Vocabs or vocabularies
(o) Vocabulary
(x) Got married with him
(o) Got married to him
(x) The same with you
(o) The same as you
(x) I'm so poor
(o) Oh, poor me!
(x) I went to home
(o) I went home
(x) I came to here
(o) I came here
(x) My dream is doctor
(o) My dream is to be a doctor
(x) I borrowed him money
(o) I lent him some money
(x) My hobby is reading a book
(o) My hobby is reading (books)
(x) I'm successed at that
(o) I was successful at that
(o) I succeeded in doing that
(x) like books and etc.
(0) like books etc.
(x) I lost my weight
(o) I lost weight
(x) It starts after two hours
(o) It starts in two hours
WOW!!! What a useful information!!
I just heard your potcast first time of my life
And I thougt it’s great! Useful!!!
I really appreciate your effort
and… I was surprised at your korean
You are almost korean!
I want to speak english as fluently as you speak korean
I’m not that good at English so I’m not sure whether these sentenses are right in grammer
So I’m going to improve my English by your website!!
Thank you again ㅎㅎㅎ
마이클의 말투 은근히 중독성있어서 듣고 싶어지는 매력있어요 마이클씨와.그의 횽되시는분과 대화하는것 넘 웃겨요 영어에 부담없이 듣고배울수있는게 장점인것같아요 라이크누르고갈께요
Excuse me but R U Korean American?
You are pretty good at speaking Korean!
Stunning talent! if you are not a Korean American!!
I want to speak English as much as you can speak Korean.
Nope, I’m not Korean American.
Thanks for the compliment!
우연히 아이툰스를 통해 마이클씨 강의를 듣게 됐어요.
사이트 개설의 취지도 참 좋고, 강의 방향 설정도 예리하게 잘 잡으신 거 같아요.
매우매우 흐뭇하고요. 앞으로 덕분에 열심히 공부할께요.
선생님^^ 선생님의 한국어 실력에 감탄하고, 팟캐스트 들으면서 샘의 재치에 감탄하고, 꾸준히 이렇게 그것도 한 개도 아닌 여러 사이트를 운영하시는 그 열정에 감탄하고, 선생님의 멋진 외모에 감탄하고, 그동안 어떻게 한국어를 이렇게 열심히 공부했을까 하는 생각에 또 감탄하고………… 하하^^ 요즘 선생님 팟캐스트 듣는게 오락가락 우중충한 날씨에 엄청난 활력소가 되고 있어요!! 마이클선생님같은 분이 있다는게 아직도 마냥 신기하고 고맙고 감사할 따름입니다!! 캐나다에서 9개월째 체류 하면서 영어랑 매일 씨름하고 있는데, 선생님이 정말 많은 도움이 되어요^^ 먼 곳에서도 열심히 듣고 있는 애청자 있다는거 꼭 기억해주세요!!^^ I’m so lucky to have a great teacher like you!!
팟캐스트를 듣기 시작한지 얼마되지 않았지만(5개째 듣는 중) 팬이 되어버렸습니다. 마이클씨 땜에 페이스북도 가입했습니다.(가입만 ^^) 오늘 출근길에 이어폰 끼고 팟캐스트 듣다가 빵 터져버렸습니다. 옆에서 운전중이던 신랑이 ‘미친거 아냐??’하는 표정으로 쳐다보더군요…ㅎㅎ. 마이클이 장기하 노래 부르시는 부분이었습니다. ㅎㅎㅎ. 정말 잘 듣고 공부하고 있습니다. 앞으로도 잘 부탁드립니다. 이곳도 자주 방문하도록 하겠습니다.
어제 EBS방송은 한발 늦어서 못들었습니다. 아쉬워서 페이스북에 댓글을 단다는 것이 그만,,, 그냥 제글만 올려버렸네요. 왕초보의 실수입니다.
그럼 오늘도 즐거운 하루 되시길 바랍니다.
우연히 아이튠에서 다운 받았는데
너무 좋아요 . 혼자 키득키득 웃으면서 듣습니다. 열심히 청취하겠습니다.
와 자료가 참 많내요.
혹시 책으로 출간하실 생각 없으신가요 -_ㅜ..?
사이트를 늦게 안게 한스럽내요..ㅠ…
와~ 잡지 사진 정말 잘나왔네요~ㅎㅎㅎ
전부 다 놓쳐서는 안 될 내용이어서 무엇부터 봐야할지 모르겠어요.
유익한 글 너무너무 감사합니다.^^
전 마이클씨의 왕 팬이애요. 제가 하루 9시간 일하는데 일하는동안 podcast를 계속반복해서 듣고있어요.음.. 아마 한달정도 들은거 같에요…ㅎㅎ 이미 이젠 스토리 통채로 다외울것같아여.ㅎㅎ 너무 좋은 프로그램이라서 꼭 글한번 남기고 싶었어요..
우선 영어에 고통받는 저희같은 사람들을 위하서 이런 좋은 사이트를 만드셨다는점 정말 감동스럽습니다. 한국을 사랑하는 마음 변치 않으셨으면 좋겠네요…저두 예전에 유학생활하면서 애매모호하게 궁금했던것들… 너무 말끔히 정리되가고 있는것 같아요…지난번 강의때 말씀 하셨죠..언어 배우려는 사람한테 언어를 섞어서 사용하지 마시라구요.. ㅎㅎ 마이클씨도 지금도 정말 열심히 한국어를 공부하고있는걸 알기에 저도 아름다운 한국말로 남깁니다. 글재주가 없어서 다른분들처럼 멋지게는 못쓰겠네요… 항상 응원합니다. 그리고 감사합니다.
EBS 인터뷰 잘 봤어요~ 한국말 잘 하신다고 칭찬이 자자하더라구요!
특히 썬킴씨가 엄청 좋아하시던데요^^
곧 EBS 영어방송도 하실 것 같은 느낌..ㅎㅎ
여기 주소로 가셔서 2011.04.08 날짜로 다시보기 하시면 풀 영상을 보실 수 있습니다!
아.. 그리고 마이클씨 수업 정말 참여하고 싶었는데요,
추가인원까지 모두 마감된 상태라 수업신청이 안된다고 연락왔어요..ㅠㅠ
그래도 항상 수업영상 올려주시니 그것만이라도 너무 감사합니다!
I appreciate all your efforts. I’ve got tons of information on this website. Thanks again