영어도 한국어하고 비슷하네! 3편

EiK Podcast 110회 초이스 타코 특집: 영어도 한국어하고 비슷하네! 3편

오랜만에 한국어와 영어의 서로 비슷한 표현을 정리해서 올립니다. 영어에서도 똑같은 표현이 있다는 걸 알고 나면 나중에 더 쉽게 맞는 영어 표현을 떠올릴 수 있을 겁니다. 아래 표현 중에는 원래 한국어에 없었는데 영어의 영향 떄문에 생긴 표현들도 있고 사람들이 어디 살든 원래 비슷한 생각을 하니까 자연스럽게 생긴 유사한 표현들도 있습니다.

1. 갈림길에 서다: to stand at a fork in the road

We’ve used existing production methods up through this point, but now we find ourselves standing at a fork in the road. It’s time to decide how we will take our next step.

2. 간발의 차이: by a hair (or hair’s difference)
Did you see who crossed the finish line first? I think the number 24 car won by a hair.

3. 백기(를) 들다: to raise the white flag.
They have deep pockets, but we lack the funds to continue fighting this battle in the courts. I think it’s high time we raised the white flag.

4. 바통(을) 넘겨주다: to pass (on) the baton
The former CEO stepped down late last year and passed the baton to his son.

5. 마이더스의 손: Midas touch
That guy has been successful in just about every business venture he has attempted. I guess some people really do have a Midas touch.

6. 문턱이 높다: there’s a high threshold
I believe that you are a very competent worker, but I’m just worried that the threshold there may be a little too high.

7.허들: hurdles
It’s true that we’ve gotten through the worst of it, but there are still plenty of hurdles left.

8. 전파를 타다: to take (to) the airwaves
That show is slated to take the airwaves in early 2013.

9. 눈이 있다: to have an eye (for something)
Did you see those clothes James picked out for me? He really has an eye for fashion.

10. 나 죽었어: I’m so dead right now
I crashed my dad’s car into a signpost! I’m so dead right now.


초이스 타코

전화: 02-362-2113

주소: 서울특별시 서대문구 창천동 13-27 103호



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5 thoughts on “영어도 한국어하고 비슷하네! 3편

  1. Wow 만화로 수업하는거 정말 재밌었을것 같네요 ㅎㅎ
    타코 정말 맛있을것같아요! 서울갈때 꼭 가봐야겠어요 ㅎ

  2. It is really interesting his story of Choice tacho and great voice as well.

    Thank you for nice lesson all the time

    From Saskatoon, Canada

  3. 재밌게 잘 들었어요 ^ㅅ^

    Buy the way,
    Now I can’t wait to eat the tacos & burittos from choice tacos..lol
    Probably I’m gonna get 신촌 tomorrow to have them!

    저도 6년 전에 혼자 가끔 가서 먹곤 했던 맛집인 곳인데, 역시 저만의 맛집이 아니었군요

  4. “나는 지금 수업에 갈지 아니면 점심 약속에 나갈지 결정하는 갈림길에 섰어” 이 말은

    “Now I am standing at a fork in the road whether going to the class or going to my lunch appointment.”

    라고 해야하는 건가요?

    갈림길에 섰어라는 말을 은근 자주하는 같은데 그럴 때마다 저는

    I’ve no idea. I am in the dilemma hard to decide 이렇게만 말했는데.. 이렇게 말하는건 좀 이상한가요?

    1. Hi. Thanks for stopping by.

      In that case I probably wouldn’t use “fork in the road” or “crossroads” because the scale of the problem is rather small.

      Just saying, “I’m trying to decide whether I should ~ ” is probably the most natural way of expressing that.

      “A fork in the road” is used about larger problems. For example, “I’m standing at a fork in the road: I could either end this marriage or continue on in a loveless relationship.”


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