교통에 관련된 회화 연습

EiK Podcast 98: 교통에 관련된 회화 연습

Conversation Practice: Transportation

재미교포 친구인 David Kim과 같이 녹음한 교통에 대한 회화 연습 팟캐스트입니다. 아래 표현에 대한 설명을 듣고 싶으면 위에 링크를 누르고 방송을 들으시면 됩니다.

교통 – transportation, transit, or commute

How was your commute?
What’s the commute like from your new place?
What do you normally do on your commute? 

뭐 타고 왔어요? (어떻게 왔어요?)
How did you get here?

어떻게 오셨습니까? (무슨 일로 오셨습니까?)
What brings you here today?

What brings you to our office today?

I took the bus.
I took the subway.
I took a cab.
I walked here. / I came on foot.
I rode my bike.
I flew here.

잘못된 영어: I took a subway / I took subway /  I walked to here. / I took the cab.

Get in a taxi
Get into a taxi

Get on a bus

Get off / alight a bus

We should call a cab.

Have you ever carpooled?
Do you have a driver’s license?

How long have you had a driver’s license?

Traffic is really bad in the city today.

The roads are really congested today.
The road construction is really slowing things down.
It’s dangerous to tailgate like that.

During rush hour, the intersections are often gridlocked.

I got off on/at the wrong station.

I got on the wrong train.

I accidentally got on a train heading in the wrong direction.

How much was the fare?

How much did the taxi ride cost?
The bus is faster but I get motion sickness, so I have to take the subway.

What subway station is closest to your house?

How long does it usually take for you to get home?

How long is your commute?
How much time do you spend commuting per day?

What do you do to keep from dozing off on your trip home?

How many trips did it take to move all your stuff to the new apartment?

문법에 안 맞는 지하철 안내문:

Door opens right.
Door opens left.


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