오늘의 표현 6

EiK Podcast 89: 오늘의 표현 6

최근에 제 트위터를 통해서 배포한 표현 10 개를 묶어서 올립니다.평상시에 휴대폰으로나 이메일을 통해서 하루에 하나씩 이런 표현 연습을 받고 싶으면 @EnglishinKorean에 가셔서 팔로잉하시면 됩니다.

1. To stick up for someone: 누군가를 옹호하다. A: I can’t believe you didn’t stick up for me. I thought we were friends. B: But I’m her friend too

  • I thought he was a loyal friend, but when the moment of truth came, he didn’t stick up for me at all.

2. He’s so gullible: 그는 귀가 얇다. A: Did he buy it? B: Yeah, that guy is so gullible. He falls for anything. (To fall for: 속다)

  • He believes anything.  His gullibility is legendary.

3. He didn’t buy it: 그는 속지 않았어요. (누군가를 속이려고 했는데 안 속을 때 쓰는 말) 예문: I told my dad I was studying last night, but he didn’t buy it.

  • My wife never buys my excuses.
  • That’s ridiculous.  I don’t buy it for a minute.

To wing it: 즉석에서 대충 하다. A: How did the speech go? B: I left my notes at home by accident, but it turned out all right. I just winged it

  • Your speech today was amazing.  You’re telling me you just winged it?

To be deflated: 맥이 풀리다. The performers were deflated by the harsh criticism leveled at them (그들을 향한) by the newspaper’s theater critic.

  • I can take the negativity in the press, but my mother’s remarks were deflating.

That did the trick: (그 방법, 수단)으로 문제 해결됐다. I poured some club soda on that stain (얼룩) like you recommended and it really did the trick.

  • I rebooted the computer like you recommended and it did the trick.

Hear me out: (판단하기 전에) 끝까지 들어봐. A: I’ve got this great idea on how to get rich fast. B: Grow up, man. A: Wait! Hear me out first.

  • Hear me out before you make up your mind!  You’ve only heard one side of the story.

To be glued to their TV sets: TV에서 눈을 못 떼다. Koreans all across the country are glued to their TV sets, watching the Superstar K Finale.

  • What can I do about my son?  He just sits there, glued to the TV for six hours a day.

It’s like pulling teeth:매우 힘든 일이다. 예문: Getting Korean people to speak to me in Korean is like pulling teeth.

  • Getting my husband to attend a social event is like pulling teeth.  He’s extremely antisocial.

To take after one’s father: 아버지를 닮았다. A: Your son seems fond of the ladies B: Yes, he takes after his father in that regard.

  • You enjoy football too?  You’re really starting to take after your father.


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2 thoughts on “오늘의 표현 6

  1. 형 근데 ..

    to be glued to their TV sets 는 항상 복수로 사용해야되요?
    아니면 you can say ” he is really glued to his TV set”
    이렇게 사용해도되요?

    1. Hi!

      Yeah, it’s fine to say it that way too. Or you could just leave off the “set” part and say, “He was glued to the TV all day long.”

      Hope that helps : )


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