오늘의 표현 3

EiK Podcast 65 (오늘의 표현 3)

최근에 제 트위터를 통해서 배포한 표현 10 개를 묶어서 올립니다.평상시에 휴대폰으로나 이메일을 통해서 하루에 하나씩 이런 표현 연습을 받고 싶으면 @EnglishinKorean에 가셔서 팔로잉하시면 됩니다.

1. 역시: naturally. 예문: A. John got another promotion. B. Naturally, the boss loves that guy. 물론 ‘naturally’는 ‘자연스럽게’라는 의미로도 씁니다

  • They won the latest contract? Naturally.
  • She speaks English very naturally.

2. Dissuade: 막다,말리다. 예문: It was obvious that he was traveling down a dangerous path, but no one could dissuade him. 반대어: persuade

  • I tried to dissuade him, but it was obvious that he had made up his mind.
  • I persuaded my father to support my studies of the Korean language.

3. That’s got (absolutely) nothing to do with me:나랑 전혀 상관 없다. 예문:I don’t know or care what he said. It’s got nothing to do with me

  • Why do you keep telling me what my ex is up to these days? I want nothing to do with her now.

4. ‘Speak of the devil’라는 말은 ‘호랑이도 제 말하면 온다’하고 똑같은 의미를 지닙니다. 그래서 친구 이야기했는데 갑자기 그 사람이 나타나면 쓸 수 있습니다.

  • Did you hear what John said to Sara yesterday? I couldn’t believe it!
  • Oh, quiet! Here he comes.
  • Yeah, speak of the devil.

5. To get someone’s take (on an issue): 의견을 묻다. 예문: I’d like to get his take on the matter: 이 문제에 대해서 그의 의견을 묻고 싶습니다

  • I think before we move forward with this project, we’ve got to get the boss’s take on it.

6. Don’t get me wrong:오해하지 말아요 A. You don’t think she’s hot? B.Don’t get me wrong, I think she’s pretty, but she’s just not my type

  • You don’t think Jessica Alba is hot? Are you out of your mind?
  • Don’t get me wrong, I think she’s cute. She’s just not my type.

7. We’ve been together through thick and thin: 우리는 동고동락한 사이다. 예문: (조강지처에 대해서) My wife has been with me through thick and thin.

  • My wife has always been right there by my side — through thick and thin.

8. That’s not my cup of tea: 그런 것 별로 안 좋아해. (내 취향 아니야) A.Wanna go to an all-night DJ fest? B.That’s not really my cup of tea.

  • Wanna go hunting next week?
  • Killing animals for sport is not really my cup of tea.

9. I lost track of time: 시간 가는 줄 몰랐다. 예문: I got so wrapped up (몰두하다) in this game, I completely lost track of the time

  • I was listening to the EIK Podcast on the subway and completely lost track of the time.

10. You could do so much better:네가 아깝다.직역:지금 애인보다 훨씬 나은 사람과 사귈 수 있을 것 같은데요. A:They’re together?. B:Yeah, she could do so much better

  • Why are you still with that loser? You could do so much better.


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