어휘 늘리기 2

EiK Podcast 49 어휘 늘리기 2
EiK Podcast 49B 어휘 늘리기2 (발음 교정)

오늘 두 번째 어휘 학습을 올립니다.  첫 글에서 말씀드렸듯이 단어를 선택하는 기준은 유용할 것 같지만 한국사람들이 많이 활용하지 않는 단어들입니다.

어휘 늘리기 1번을 보시려면 여기를 누르세요.


1. Litter: (쓰레기를) 무단 투기하다, (명사형) 쓰레기

이 단어의 첫 음절에 들어가는 모음 소리가 한글로 표현하기 힘든 짧은 E (ih) 소리립니다.  긴 ‘E’ 소리인 ‘이’하고 다릅니다.

  • I think many people would rather not litter but there is such a scarcity of trash cans in Korea, that they finally just give up.
  • I enjoyed my trip to the ski resort, but was really disappointed to see so much litter on the mountain.

2. Transaction: 거래

  • Under the cash-less cabin policy, a credit card card transaction is now the only way to purchase snacks and drinks onboard many planes.
  • The automated ticketing machines at light rail stations are convenient but change for all cash transactions is returned in dollar coins and not bills.

3. Notorious: 악명 높은

  • A notorious drug dealer was finally nabbed by police last weekend in Baja, Mexico.

4. Spectator (경기 따위의) 관객

  • A spectator was injured when a piece of a broken bat flew into the stands and struck him in the face.

5. Flaw: 빈틈, 흠

  • This shirt has a flaw in the seam, so it has never fit properly.


6. Harrowing: 무섭고 험한. (보통 ‘trip’이나 ‘voyage’ 앞에 쓰고 그럴 때 ‘난항’라고 해석하시면 됩니다)

  • Due to choppy seas, we had a harrowing trip on the boat over from Busan.

7. Impromptu: 즉석에서 하는, 즉흥적으로

  • The composer sat down at the piano and gave an impromptu performance of his most famous pieces.

8. Docile: 유순한

  • That breed of dog is especially known for its docile nature.

9. Gibberish: 횡설수설, 지껄이는 말 (주로 너무 난해해서 알아들을 수 없는 말에 대해서나, 쓸데없는 말이라고 깎아내릴 때 쓰는 표현입니다)

  • He keeps talking a lot of science gibberish that I can’t understand.

10. Aficionado: 애호가

  • Ex-governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, was known to be a cigar aficionado.

11. Pagan: 이단

  • Many American holiday traditions are based on ancient pagan customs.

12. Inconsiderate: 남을 배려하지 않은

  • I think people who watch TV loudly on the subway are extremely inconsiderate.

13. Impeccable: 나무랄 데 없는, 완벽한

  • His English grammar is impeccable.


14. Squander (탕진하다)

  • He inherited a fortune from his father but he squandered it away gambling and drinking.

15. Deity: 신

  • All of the world’s major religions are monotheistic, meaning that they believe in one god.

16. Deter: 말리다, 방지하다

  • Nothing will deter me in the pursuit of my dreams.

17. Indignant: (억울해서) 분개한

  • He was indignant at his boss’s failure to mention his contributions to the success of the project.

18. Spiel (호객하는 말)

  • I listened to his whole spiel about why his company would be the best option for us to go with, but I still wasn’t convinced.

19. Insular (배타적인, 섬처럼 고립된)

  • Korean communities abroad, with their separate Korean churches, video stores, grocery stores, and restaurants are often described as insular.

20. Scrupulous (성실한, 견실한, 양심적인)

  • Police have pledged to carry out the their investigation into the politician’s illicit activities in an upright and scrupulous manner.


In vain (헛되이)

이 표현을 보면 전태일의 마지막 말이 생각나요.

  • ‘나의 죽음을 헛되이 하지 마라’
  • ‘Don’t let my death be in vain.’

In the name of ~ (~의 이름으로)

  • The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition are just two of the many atrocities carried out by misguided zealots in the name of Christianity.



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2 thoughts on “어휘 늘리기 2

  1. 확실히 처음 듣는 생소한 단어가 많네요
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