(x) English makes me hard.
(o) English is hard for me.
(x) Recently, I'm hard because...
(o) Recently, I'm having a hard time because...
(x) Especially, I'm sick...
(o) Especially, because I'm sick...
(x) I studied in there for a year.
(o) I studied there for a year.
(x) It was sucks.
(o) It sucked.
(x) I went to Philippine.
(o) I went to the Philippines.
(x) In real
(o) In reality
(o) In real life
(x) Dear my friend
(o) My dear friend
(x) Dear my teacher
(o) My dear teacher
(x) I'm watching the Olympic.
(o) I'm watching the Olympics.
(x) I went to fitness.
(x) I went to health.
(o) I worked out.
(o) I went to the gym.
(x) Don't do like that.
(o) Don't do it like that.
(o) Don't do it that way.
(x) I was busy to study all weekend.
(o) I was busy studying all weekend.
(x) I have another schedule.
(x) I have another plan.
(o) I have other plans.
(x) This restaurant has lots of menus
(o) This restaurant has a big menu
(o) This restaurant has a variety of entrees
(x) I'm at my company.
(o) I'm at work.
(x) He entered a good college.
(o) He got into a good college.
(x) near from
(o) near
(o) near to
(x) He suggested me to go there
(o) He suggested that I go there
(x) His skin is so greasy
(o) His skin is so oily
(x) Cream spaghetti is too greasy
(x) This cake is too greasy
(o) This cake is too rich
(o) This spaghetti is too rich
(x) Mama boy
(o) Mama's boy
(x) I've been to the US last year
(o) I went to the US last year
(o) I've been to the US
(x) He didn't answer my phone
(o) He didn't answer my call
(x) It was my first time to go there
(x) This is my first time to come here
(o) It was the first time I had gone there
(o) This is my first time here
(o) This is the first time I've been here
(x) He praised me
(o) He complimented me
(x) Even I go there, ...
(o) Even if I go there, ...
(x) He is leaving to America
(o) He is leaving for America
(x) He is a staff there
(o) He is a member of the staff there
(x) I have a plan with my friend
(o) I have plans with my friend
(x) I had a promise with him
(o) I had plans with him
(x) He recommended me to see that
(o) He recommended that I see that
(x) I'll leave after 15 minutes
(x) I'll leave 15 minutes later
(o) I'll leave in 15 minutes
(x) I'm so stressful
(o) I'm so stressed out
(x) He has no enough
(o) He doesn't have enough
(x) I'm in an English study
(o) I'm in an English study group
(x) What's the spell?
(o) What's the spelling?
(o) How do you spell that?
(x) I want to include in this
(o) I want to be included in this
(x) Teach me slangs
(o) Teach me slang
(x) He's my senior
(o) He's a senior employee
(o) He's my superior
(x) It's service
(o) It's on the house
(x) 5km
(o) 5 km
(x) I went to abroad
(o) I went abroad
(x) May I have your sign?
(o) May I have your signature?
(x) Comming soon
(o) Coming soon
(x) Grand open
(o) Grand opening
(x) Make him to study
(o) Make him study
(x) 25-years-old man
(o) 25-year-old man
(x) I like here
(o) I like it here
(x) I took subway
(o) I took the subway
(전화할 때)
(x) I am Jungmin
(o) This is Jungmin
(x) I have so much stuffs
(o) I have so much stuff
(x) He's so a nice guy
(o) He's such a nice guy
(x) His saying is right
(o) What he's saying is right
(x) Congratulation
(o) Congratulations
(x) I told to him
(o) I told him
(x) He's in twenties
(o) He's in his twenties
(x) The world best
(o) The world's best
(x) My condition is not good
(o) I'm not in good condition
(x) I called to my friend
(o) I called my friend
(x) The teacher yelled to him
(o) The teacher yelled at him
(x) It's very hard to me
(o) It's very hard for me
Podcast about this!
(x) Vocabs or vocabularies
(o) Vocabulary
(x) Got married with him
(o) Got married to him
(x) The same with you
(o) The same as you
(x) I'm so poor
(o) Oh, poor me!
(x) I went to home
(o) I went home
(x) I came to here
(o) I came here
(x) My dream is doctor
(o) My dream is to be a doctor
(x) I borrowed him money
(o) I lent him some money
(x) My hobby is reading a book
(o) My hobby is reading (books)
(x) I'm successed at that
(o) I was successful at that
(o) I succeeded in doing that
(x) like books and etc.
(0) like books etc.
(x) I lost my weight
(o) I lost weight
(x) It starts after two hours
(o) It starts in two hours
선생님 말씀대로 원어민에게는 외국인의 발음이 크게 중요하지는 않을 것 같아요.
한국인인 제가 듣기에 외국인들이 한국어를 하면서 그 나라 억양이 있어도,발음이 안좋아도 듣는데 거의 지장이 없거든요.
그런데 외국인 입장에서 다른 외국인들과 대화를 할 때에는 상대방의 발음이 안 좋으면 의사소통 하기가 좀 힘들더라구요. 중국인이나 일본인들과 영어로 대화를 할 때 정확한 문장을 말하고 있어도 발음때문에 더 귀를 기울여 집중하게 되어서 대화를 하고 나면 좀 지치는 느낌이 있어요.
외국인으로써.. 정확한 문법 구사도 중요하지만 발음도 잘 하고 싶어요. 저 때문에 다른 외국인들이 힘들어 하지 않도록이요 ㅠㅠ
글도 너무 잘쓰세요..정말 이렇게 한국어 잘하는 외국인 보기 드문데, 게다가 무료로 인터넷으로 이런 글을 볼수있다니..좋은 글 감사합니다!! 사실 저도 기본적인 문법이나 맞춤법 틀리는 한국인들 무식해 보이더라구요.. 영어공부할때도 기본에 충실해야겠다는 생각 듭니다! 감사해요!
Thanks for the kind words! ^^
마이클씨 언어에 대한 이해도 깊고 대단하세요!
저도 20대 들어서 영어를 공부하고 있는데 5분 과외 잘 보고 있습니다.
마이클씨의 유용한 강의와 좋은 글 감사합니다.
와~ 굉장한 이야기네요. ^^ 감사합니다.
오늘 발견한 이 사이트, 정말 보물을 발견한 것 같습니다. Serendipity – 제가 가장 좋아하는 영어 단어입니다. 오늘 제대로 이 단어를 쓸 수 있는 보물을 발견한 것 같네요. ^^
덧붙여, 한국말 굉장히 잘하세요!! 더 유창한 한국어 하시라고, 위 표현중 좀 더 부드럽게 한국말로 교정해드립니다.
~ 잘할 전망이 매우 안 좋습니다. : 잘할 가능성이 매우 낮습니다 or 잘하기 어렵습니다. or 잘할 전망이 매우 낮습니다. – 이렇게 표현하시는 것이 훨씬 부드럽고, 좀 더 정확한 표현이에요. ^^
그냥 저도 도움 받은 만큼 작은 도움이나마 드리고 싶어 적어 봅니다.
Thank you so much!!
Thanks for the tips!
I’m a fan of that word, “serendipity,” too.
Stay in touch.
안녕하세요, Michael씨
Michael씨의 말에 적극적으로 동의 합니다.
언어는 끈기와 노력, 그리고 배우고 있는 언어를 미치도록 사랑하고 존경하는 마음이 있어야
실력이 향상된다고 생각합니다. 힘 주셔서 감사합니다. Michael씨도 힘 내세요.
English in Korean 사이트를 알 게 된 후, 시간이 날 때마다 들어 오고 있습니다.
매회 포스팅 한 것을 보면서 느끼는데, 제가 몰라서 하지 못 한 것과 알면서도 그것이 어렵고 시간이 많이 걸리고, 귀찮아서 대충 한 것들이, 많았다는 것을 알게 된 것 같습니다.
어떤 일을 하든, 그 일을 성취하기 위해 열정과 정성 그리고 끈기가 필요한데, 언어를 항상 잘 하고 싶다고 느끼면서도, 제대로 실천을 못한 것 같습니다. 기초가 얼마나 중요한 것인지, 그리고 모든 것의 시작을 절대로 간과해서는 안 된다는 것을 다시 한번 느끼네요.
마이클씨로부터 언어 (영어/한국어)를 배울 수 있어 기회뿐만 아니라, 다양한 지식 그리고 겸손한 태도까지 배웁니다..
Hi, Sophia!
I’m really glad to hear that my site has been helpful for you. I try to not only teach English grammar but also the proper way to approach learning a foreign language. I often think that the most important thing is our approach to language acquisition. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hi Michael
Thank you for replying my message!!
As you mention the way of language acquisition on your site, I also think the way of mastering and practicing a language. Some people ignore studying the grammar rules and they study speaking first
Most of Korean people and I study the grammar rules of English first but it is not easy to master completely them and apply to right situations or certain circumstances. Besides, we study only to gain high grade in English.
I seriously agree we must study grammar but do not agree to study to get good marks.
If we properly master a part of grammar, we would exploit them in main area of concern / interest with vocabulary.
As you show the proper way to approach learning a foreign language on your site so far, please provide us your effective studying methods, experience and idea as much as you can!
I will constantly stop by here and query when I have questions or uncertain knowledge for English.
I appreciate your help and effort^^
앗 오늘부터 다시 영어공부 시작요. 영어를 잘하기보단 일단 용기를 주신것에 더 감사 !!
매일 들를께욧 !!
Great! Good luck ^^
발음과 문법 모두 신경쓸 수 있으면 좋겠지만, 점점 발음엔 자신이 없어져요. 특히 원어민처럼 말하는 친구들 앞에서는 기죽게 마련이죠. 지금 쓴 글은 매우 고무적이고, 도움이 됩니다. 고마와요ㅎㅎ
정말 좋은 글이네요 🙂
눈물나게 감사하네요. 영어를 배우는게 재미있고, 더디게 나아지는 것을 느끼고는 있지만 그래도 솔직히 하루에도 12번씩 내가 잘할수 있을지에 대한 확신이 서지 않거든요. 그런데 이글이 제게 용기를 주네요.
마이클이 한글을 사랑하는 마음으로 저도 영어를 대하고 문법을 존중할께요~^^.
thank you about your kind explanation!
I suffer so much difficulties of learning english at the moment.
from now on i ‘ll do my best . thank you again
마이클을 보면 기존의 어학이론을 깬 사람중에 한 사람인것 같네요~
항상 열심히 노력하고 공부하는 마이클을 보며 감탄하고 동기부여도 되곤해요~
Thanks a lot~