(x) English makes me hard.
(o) English is hard for me.
(x) Recently, I'm hard because...
(o) Recently, I'm having a hard time because...
(x) Especially, I'm sick...
(o) Especially, because I'm sick...
(x) I studied in there for a year.
(o) I studied there for a year.
(x) It was sucks.
(o) It sucked.
(x) I went to Philippine.
(o) I went to the Philippines.
(x) In real
(o) In reality
(o) In real life
(x) Dear my friend
(o) My dear friend
(x) Dear my teacher
(o) My dear teacher
(x) I'm watching the Olympic.
(o) I'm watching the Olympics.
(x) I went to fitness.
(x) I went to health.
(o) I worked out.
(o) I went to the gym.
(x) Don't do like that.
(o) Don't do it like that.
(o) Don't do it that way.
(x) I was busy to study all weekend.
(o) I was busy studying all weekend.
(x) I have another schedule.
(x) I have another plan.
(o) I have other plans.
(x) This restaurant has lots of menus
(o) This restaurant has a big menu
(o) This restaurant has a variety of entrees
(x) I'm at my company.
(o) I'm at work.
(x) He entered a good college.
(o) He got into a good college.
(x) near from
(o) near
(o) near to
(x) He suggested me to go there
(o) He suggested that I go there
(x) His skin is so greasy
(o) His skin is so oily
(x) Cream spaghetti is too greasy
(x) This cake is too greasy
(o) This cake is too rich
(o) This spaghetti is too rich
(x) Mama boy
(o) Mama's boy
(x) I've been to the US last year
(o) I went to the US last year
(o) I've been to the US
(x) He didn't answer my phone
(o) He didn't answer my call
(x) It was my first time to go there
(x) This is my first time to come here
(o) It was the first time I had gone there
(o) This is my first time here
(o) This is the first time I've been here
(x) He praised me
(o) He complimented me
(x) Even I go there, ...
(o) Even if I go there, ...
(x) He is leaving to America
(o) He is leaving for America
(x) He is a staff there
(o) He is a member of the staff there
(x) I have a plan with my friend
(o) I have plans with my friend
(x) I had a promise with him
(o) I had plans with him
(x) He recommended me to see that
(o) He recommended that I see that
(x) I'll leave after 15 minutes
(x) I'll leave 15 minutes later
(o) I'll leave in 15 minutes
(x) I'm so stressful
(o) I'm so stressed out
(x) He has no enough
(o) He doesn't have enough
(x) I'm in an English study
(o) I'm in an English study group
(x) What's the spell?
(o) What's the spelling?
(o) How do you spell that?
(x) I want to include in this
(o) I want to be included in this
(x) Teach me slangs
(o) Teach me slang
(x) He's my senior
(o) He's a senior employee
(o) He's my superior
(x) It's service
(o) It's on the house
(x) 5km
(o) 5 km
(x) I went to abroad
(o) I went abroad
(x) May I have your sign?
(o) May I have your signature?
(x) Comming soon
(o) Coming soon
(x) Grand open
(o) Grand opening
(x) Make him to study
(o) Make him study
(x) 25-years-old man
(o) 25-year-old man
(x) I like here
(o) I like it here
(x) I took subway
(o) I took the subway
(전화할 때)
(x) I am Jungmin
(o) This is Jungmin
(x) I have so much stuffs
(o) I have so much stuff
(x) He's so a nice guy
(o) He's such a nice guy
(x) His saying is right
(o) What he's saying is right
(x) Congratulation
(o) Congratulations
(x) I told to him
(o) I told him
(x) He's in twenties
(o) He's in his twenties
(x) The world best
(o) The world's best
(x) My condition is not good
(o) I'm not in good condition
(x) I called to my friend
(o) I called my friend
(x) The teacher yelled to him
(o) The teacher yelled at him
(x) It's very hard to me
(o) It's very hard for me
Podcast about this!
(x) Vocabs or vocabularies
(o) Vocabulary
(x) Got married with him
(o) Got married to him
(x) The same with you
(o) The same as you
(x) I'm so poor
(o) Oh, poor me!
(x) I went to home
(o) I went home
(x) I came to here
(o) I came here
(x) My dream is doctor
(o) My dream is to be a doctor
(x) I borrowed him money
(o) I lent him some money
(x) My hobby is reading a book
(o) My hobby is reading (books)
(x) I'm successed at that
(o) I was successful at that
(o) I succeeded in doing that
(x) like books and etc.
(0) like books etc.
(x) I lost my weight
(o) I lost weight
(x) It starts after two hours
(o) It starts in two hours
This article is great. I like it very much. Thank you.
Thank you for making me realize this. It’s great.
Hello ! Michael
I often think the right way to communicate, especially how to speak not only English but also Korean fluently, accurately.
Your site is one of the best guides that are designed to help English learners. In your site, you suggest “activities” or “tips” for English learners. Using these tips and performing these activities we will be able to learn English at a much faster speed.
I would like to ask polite English more. Although I don’t know a lot of expression for polite English, I know that the words “yes” and “no”, when used alone, I could make sound rude and angry. For example, if someone asks me “Could I sit here?” (Polite response) Of course, or by all means or I’m afraid not……
I’m trying to minimise my mistake and to use them correctly not to come across as rude or unprofessional.
Would you mind providing more expression for Polite English with examples
I appreciate your help and effort ^^
명령형이나 청유형 등의 경우만 보고 영어에 “반말/존댓말”이 있다고 할 수 있을까요? 그렇다고 하기엔 범위가 지나치게 좁습니다. 대신, 정중한 표현/무례한 표현 정도가 되지 않을까 싶네요.
‘한국식’ 반말 존댓말은 상대에 대한 격식으로, 상대방을 향한 어떤 형태의 문장이든 모든 문장의 ‘끝’을 어떤 식으로 마쳐야 하는가에 관한 것입니다. 고로 독백이 아닌 이상, 존댓말을 써야 할 경우에는 ㅂ니다, 이에요, 네요 등등을 징그러울 정도로 일일이 갖다 붙이지요(안 붙이면 싸움 나거나 눈탱이가 밤탱이가 됩니다).
그래서 우리는 이 정서에 맞추어 영어를 이렇게 번역합니다.
선생님 : What did you do yesterday?
학생 : I went to the park and played baseball.
선생님 : 어제 뭘 했니?
학생 : 공원에 가서 야구했어요.
보시다시피 한국어의 반말 존댓말은 정중과 무례이기 이전에 관습상 지켜야 할 불문율 내지 대인관계상의 형식에 가깝습니다. 특정한 문장에 따라붙는 특정한 표현이 아니라는 말이지요(제 댓글의 모든 문장이 존댓말이듯이 말입니다.). 선생과 제자 사이의 반말과 존댓말이 바뀌면 이상하게 됩니다. 친구끼리 하는 반말을 존댓말로 바꾸면 기이하게 보입니다. 서른 살 먹은 아들놈이 환갑이 다 된 아버지에게 ‘너’라 하고 반말을 하면 동네 사람들한테 호래자식이라고 욕먹습니다. 혈연관계가 아닌 사이에서 흔히 오가는, 형, 오빠, 누나, 삼촌, 이모 같은 서열형 호칭이 왜 있겠습니까?
저는 예전에 일본에서 십 년 이상 생활했었는데요, 연령 및 아는 사이, 모르는 사이를 기준으로 하는 반말 존댓말 정서로 생활하다가 일본인들과의 교제에 지장이 있을 정도로 심한 정신적 고통을 겪었습니다(동기라고 해서 어린 놈들이 대놓고 반말을…). 우리말의 구조와 형식과 가장 비슷하고 반말 존댓말 형식이 우리말 못지않게 뚜렷한 일어조차 한국어식 반말 존댓말 개념과 정서와는 상당히 달랐다는 게 원인이었습니다. 끝끝내 일본식 반말 존댓말 정서에 완전히 익숙해지진 못했던 것 같습니다. 말하자면, 한국식 반말 존댓말 정서가 그만큼 뿌리 깊었다는 말이지요.
맞아요 한국의 존댓말은 엄연히 달라요 외국의 존댓말과..
저는 자신의 어린 아들한테 thank you,Sir!. 이라고 하는 사람도 보았습니다.
아들한테 예의바른 모습을 교육시키려고 하는 엄마의 노력일까요?
짧은 존댓말, Sir 또는 Ma’am;
미국에서 택시를 타고나서 요금을 지불하며 거스름돈을 Taxi driver에게 팁으로 주면 “Thank you,Sir.” 하는 소리를 들을 수 있습니다. 아마 여자손님에게는 “Thank you, Ma’am.”하겠지요.
그런데 한국의 존댓말은 주로 “나이”를 기준으로 하는 경우가 많지만 영어의 polite form이 꼭 나이를 기준으로 하는 것 같지는 않습니다. 그렇다면 나이 많은 taxi driver는 고등학생 쯤 되는 남자 승객에게 팁을 받으면서 “Thank you,Sir.”라고 할까요? 또 고들학교 여학생 같은 여자손님에게 “Thank you, Ma’am”이라고 할까요?
할 수 있다고 생각합니다.
영국의 Burtler 같이 격식차리는 택시운전사란 생각도 들고.
좀 Professional 하다란 생각도 드므로 긍정적이지만,
지나치게 예의를 차린게 아닌가란 생각이 드네요.
How about “Would you mind if I think you might be able to do that for me please?”?