마이클의 5분 과외

1. To go from bad to worse
Things are really going from bad to worse.

2. To go off on someone
I don’t know what’s with her today. She just went off on me for no reason.

3. To go up against someone
맞서다 / 거역하다
He had the courage to go up against some of the biggest corporations in Korea.

4. To go to someone’s head
자만하게 하다
To get a fat head
I think all of that YouTube fame is starting to go to his head.

5. To go through the roof
발끈 화내다
화가 치밀다
I told my dad the news and he went through the roof!

6. To go to bat for someone
누군가를 변호하다
Thanks for going to bat for me.

7. To go to pieces
(정신적으로) 무너지다, 멘붕
He completely went to pieces after losing his job.

8. To go over something
뭔가를 훑어보다
Let’s go over the terms of this contract together.

9. To go out on a limb for someone
자신의 이름을 걸고 남을 좋게 말하다 (그 사람이 열심히 일할 거라고 보장하는 등등)
I really went out on a limb for you.

10. To go to the trouble to do something / to take the trouble
~까지 하다/ 수고하다
I would’ve been happy with just a simple dinner. You didn’t have to go to all this trouble.
If anyone had gone to the trouble to research this before we acted, things could’ve turned out a lot differently.
I didn’t go to the trouble to write a business plan.
I can’t believe you went to all this trouble just for me.


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4 thoughts on “마이클의 5분 과외

  1. 늘 많이 배우고 가요 ^^ 얼마나 도움이 되는지 모릅니다.
    정말 살아있는 영어를 배울수 있어서,,,
    지루하지 않고 참 재밌어요.ㅎㅎ

    p.s 머리 별로 안이상해요~ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

  2. 스케일이 다르시네요 ㅋㅋ 무료 영어강좌를 천안에서 라스베가스까지 아우르시며 ㅎㅎ
    하늘색 진짜 오묘하네요. 예쁘다!
    다음엔 말리부해변에서도 특집으로 한번 부탁드려요(개념없는 독자 1인)

  3. 끝날때쯤 자막보고 빵터짐ㅋㅋㅋ
    어제 처음 우연히 유투브에서 강의 보고 정말 재미있어서 사이트 들어오게 되었는데, 정말 유용하고 재미있어서 시간 가는줄 모르겠어요. 특히나 요거는 주변 풍경 보여주니깐 정말 L.A에 와 있는 기분입니다!
    책이랑 같이 공부하면 더 효율적일 것 같아 책도 구입했어요.
    혹시 만나면 싸인 부탁해욧!ㅎㅎ

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      Come to the next free lecture and I’ll sign it for you. ^^


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