마이클의 진짜 영어 토익! 1 단계 (어휘)

영어를 배우는 한국인 학습자들의 목표 중 빼놓을 수 없는 것이 토플이나 토익 점수를 높이기 위한 것임을 감안해 오늘부터 새로운 종류의 학습 자료를 이 사이트를 통해 제공하려고 합니다.

우선은 비싼 시험 대비반의 수강료와 교재비의 부담을 덜어드리고 싶고 아예 학원이 거의 없는 지방에 사는 사람들도 이러한 영어 교육을 받으실 수 있도록 하자는 취지로 ‘마이클의 진짜 영어 토익’을 시작합니다.

토익과 토플, 아이엘츠 등을 준비하는 분 모두에게 도움이 되도록 난이도를 조절하려고 합니다. 이러한 학습 자료 만드는 것은 기존의 ‘5분 과외’ 같은 연재보다 더 오래 걸려서 얼마나 높은 빈도를 유지할 수 있을지 모르겠지만 노력하겠습니다.

과정의 구성은 어휘, 독해, 쓰기, 말하기로 되어 있는데 어휘 쪽에서 배우는 표현들을 다른 과목의 자료에도 활용했습니다.  하나씩 동영상 강의도 촬영할 예정인데 일단 글부터 올립니다.

앞으로 나올 시험 대비 내용은 제가 직접 다 쓸 거예요.  다른 데에 올리시거나 뽑아서 공부 모임 같은 자리에서 쓰셔도 되는데 출처만 밝혀 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

여러분에게 많은 도움이 됐으면 좋겠습니다!


첫 ‘마이클의 무료 토익’ 학습으로 감정에 관련된 어려운 영어 단어를 살펴보겠습니다. 이 단어와 유의어도 한번 외워보세요. 다음에 독해, 듣기, 쓰기 학습에도 나올 거니까요. 아래 단어들은 쉬운 수준은 아니지만 원어민이면 다 알 정도예요. 일부러 쓸데없는 단어는 제외했습니다.

일단 아래 있는 단어를 한번 훑어보면서 정의에 대해서 생각해보고 알아맞혀보세요. 처음부터 답을 확인하는 것보다 더 효과적인 학습방법이에요.

그 다음에 단어 정의, 유의어와 예문을 자세히 보시고 가능하면 본인의 상황에 맞춰서 예문도 만들어 보세요.

마지막으로 빈 칸 채우기 시험을 쳐보세요.  모든 질문에 문법상으로는 말이 되는 답이 두세 개가 있는데 그 중에서 제일 자연스러운 것을 고르셔야 합니다.

이 전체 과정은 30분 정도 걸리는 게 적당하고 그보다 빨리 끝나면 너무 가볍게 보신 거예요. 철저하고 확실하게 배우는 게 우선이고 가볍게만 훑어보고 안 외우면 별 의미 없는 시간이 될 겁니다.

이 학습에 대한 동영상은 며칠 안에 나올 겁니다.

Lesson One (Vocabulary)

Theme: Emotions

1. Appalled
2. Burdened
3. Chagrined
4. Crestfallen
5. Devastated
6. Disappointed
7. Discombobulated
8. Disgruntled
9. Flabbergasted
10. Horrified
11. Humiliated
12. Incompetent
13. Infatuated
14. Ostracized
15. Overwhelmed
16. Overworked
17. Reeling
18. Speechless
19. Startled
20. Unappreciated

1. Appalled: (드물게) 소름끼치는 (흔하게) 어이없어하는
(유의어: to be blown away, to be taken aback)

  • I was appalled by the treatment we received.
  • I was appalled by the way he kept ignoring my text messages.

2. Burdened: 부담스러워하는, 부담을 느끼는
(유의어: overloaded)

  • I can’t be burdened with this right now.
  • I’m burdened by the massive patient load.

3. Chagrined: 원통해하는, 분하게 여기는
(유의어: exasperated, indignant, vexed)

  • Much to his chagrin, he was not invited to his ex’s birthday party.
  • Much to my chagrin, I was not chosen to be the next host of the show.
  • Much to my sister’s chagrin, her boyfriend of eight years recently said that he was no longer interested in her.
  • Much to his chagrin, his crush told him she thinks that the two of them have nothing in common.

4. Crestfallen: 풀이 죽은, 의기소침한
(유의어: dejected, disheartened, to lose heart)

  • He was crestfallen when he learned that he was not accepted to any of his first choice schools.
  • She was crestfallen when her mother forbade her from attending the Halloween party in Itaewon.

5. Devastated: (지역에 대해서) 황폐한, (감정에 대해서) 망연자실한
(유의어: destroyed, shattered, traumatized)

  • The city was devastated by a major earthquake back in 1998.
  • South Korean farmers were devastated by a prolonged drought.
  • She has been devastated since she learned of her friend’s death.
  • He was devastated by the loss of the violin he had performed with since childhood.

6. Disappointed: 실망스러워하는
(유의어: let down, disillusioned)

  • I was very disappointed by the way my son behaved today.
  • I expected so much from him, but he really let me down.
  • I promise I won’t let you down.

7. Discombobulated: 당황스러워하는
(유의어: ruffled, unsettled, disoriented)

  • The sudden change in climate left him feeling very discombobulated.
  • The patient was feeling discombobulated after returning to consciousness.
  • I found him in a disoriented state.

8. Disgruntled: 불만을 품은
(유의아: aggrieved, irked, put out)

  • The disgruntled worker vowed to return one day and take revenge on those who had mistreated him.

9. Flabbergasted: 황당해하는, 놀라는
(유의어: astonished, stunned, confounded, dumbstruck)

  • The secretary was flabbergasted at the way the doctor had mistreated her.

10. Horrified: 충격 당한, 몸서리를 치는
(유의어: panicked, outraged, scandalized)

  • I was horrified when I thought of what I had said in anger the day before.
  • I was horrified to hear my sweet little daughter cussing up a storm.

11. Humiliated: 창피해하는
(유의어: mortified, to be put in one’s place)

  • The actor was humiliated after forgetting his lines during the most important monologue of the show.

12. Incompetent: 무능한, (감당하기 어려워) 벅차하는
(유의어: inept, bungling, unfit, amateurish, unprofessional)

  • Working amongst titans in my field, I am often left feeling incompetent.

13. Infatuated: 빠진, 매료된
(유의어: smitten, to be nuts about, to be head over heels about, obsessed with)

  • I was immediately infatuated with her.

14. Ostracized: 소외, 따돌림 당한
(유의어: excluded, shunned, spurned, snubbed, blacklisted)

  • During my high school years, I was often ostracized and picked on by the popular kids.

15. Overwhelmed: 압도 당한, 제압 당한, 벅차하는
(유의어: trounced, steamrolled, massacred, overcome, stirred)

  • The workload there was just absolutely overwhelming.

16. Overworked: 과로한
(유의어: stressed out, overburdened, overloaded, worn out)

  • I’ve been feeling really overworked recently.

17. Reeling: 휘청거리는, 어지러운, 혼란스러운
(유의어: shaken by, stunned by, aghast at)

  • I’m still reeling from the breakup.

18. Speechless: 말문이 막힌
(유의어: to be at a loss for words, dumbstruck, dumbfounded)

  • His verbal onslaught left me speechless for a good five minutes.

19. Startled: 놀란
(유의어: unsettled, agitated, disturbed)

  • Oh! You startled me.

20. Unappreciated: 인정 받지 못하는
(유의어: unacknowledged, unthanked, undervalued, unrecognized)

  • I feel so unappreciated at work.

Quiz 1

1. After the professional singer scored a mere 40 points at the noraebang, he was utterly _______ and retired from public life.

2. The sudden loss of his job and longtime girlfriend left him _____ .

3. I really can never do anything right at work. My boss is always yelling at me.  I feel so ______ .

4. Jenny’s teacher is saying that she barely has any friends at school.  I think she’s being _______ by some mean girls in her class.

5. I’ve spearheaded every one of the toughest projects our firm has tackled and I’m the one who works the longest hours by far.  Whenever it’s promotion time, however, I’m always overlooked.  I’m feeling really  ______ .


Quiz 2

1. Ever since the first moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she was the one for me. I guess you can say I was _______ .

2. During all the time he’s worked for us, he has never once executed his duties at a satisfactory level. He’s clearly not cut out for this job, and I’d even go as far as to say that he is _______ .

3. Our guest lecturer that day came all the way from America just to speak to us. The audience, however, was largely unappreciative and many people were even sending text messages and talking on the phone during his talk. I, for one, was ______ by their behavior.

4. He had always dreamed of following in his father’s footsteps and attending Harvard University. He has been absolutely _______ since he found out that he didn’t get in.

5. Even as he was still ______ from the shock of losing his mother in a car accident, he was hit with another tragedy when his house burned to the ground.

6. When I heard that my best friend had been saying those terrible things about me behind my back, I was left ______ .

7. Sometimes I feel like being a step-parent is a thankless job. I’ve taken care of those kids as if they were my own, but still they treat me like an outsider. I’m starting to feel _____ .

8. I knew that bullying has always been a major problem in the schools, but I sure never imagined that I would be ________ like this in my workplace.

9. I’ve been putting in 60-hour weeks for the last five years and now my boss is asking for even more. There’s a fine line between being _______ and being exploited.

10. ______ former employees returning to the workplace and wreaking havoc is a serious problem that our society must address.

11. When I found that my parents had read my diary, I was just ______ .  I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life.




어휘 시험 답지입니다!


반드시 시험 한 번 보신 후에 확인하세요.

문법만 놓고 보면 위의 칸 채울 때 여러가지 단어를 넣을 수 있긴 하지만 문맥상 가장 자연스러운 단어를 찾으셔야 합니다. 더 자세한 설명과 이 답들이 왜 제일 적합한지에 대한 설명은 동영상으로 알려드리겠습니다.

Quiz 1

  1. Humiliated (기타 가능한 답들: devastated, crestfallen)
  2. Reeling (overwhelmed, devastated)
  3. Incompetent (overwhelmed)
  4. Ostracized
  5. Unappreciated


Quiz 2


  1. Infatuated
  2. Incompetent
  3. Appalled
  4. Crestfallen / Devastated
  5. Reeling
  6. Speechless
  7. Unappreciated
  8. Ostracized
  9. Overworked
  10. Disgruntled
  11. Horrified



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9 thoughts on “마이클의 진짜 영어 토익! 1 단계 (어휘)

  1. Hi. Michael. Probably, this is my first comment ever to leave in your post. I’ve loved your youtube videos. I’ve been living in the US for 10 years, and think i am in the comfort zone. Sometimes, especially about my major, I feel more comfortable speaking in English.
    I just want to let you know some words I didn’t understand the meanings.

    이거 정말 쓰는 건가요? ㅋㅋ Crest가 닭 벼슬, 왕관 그런 정도 이죠? 감정과 관련된다고 해서 대충 어감은 잡히는데 미국 드라마 자주 보고 스티븐 킹 소설 자주 읽는데 처음 보는 단어 이네요.
    Reel back, 낚시 할때 감거나 뒤로 튕겨 나가는 상황을 설명하는 것은 들어 봤는데 Reeling 이 감정으로 쓰일수 도 있네요. 직역하면 핑핑 돈다 정도 되겠네요
    이건 정말 감도 못 잡았네요. Ostensible 정도와 연관된건가…. 하나 더 배우고 갑니다.

    미국에 자리 잡을려고 하니 이런 단어들도 알아 둬야 겠죠?

    Thank you so much for all your videos and lectures. got really a lot out of your videos. I didn’t know how to translate many Korean expressions into English although I didn’t have any problems with communication. I think same goes for a lot of bilinguals too. Speaking two languages doesn’t mean I know how to translate.
    Mad props! I

  2. 미국으로 유학갈 계획이라서 토플 준비해야되는데 Mr Elliot 덕분에 많이 배워갑니다.

  3. 우왓!!! 이제 이런것까지!!! 넘넘 감사해서 눈물이 핑 돌았어요,, 흑흑
    많이 팟캐스트 에피소드도 듣고 동영상도 봤지만 오늘 글 쓰는게 첨이라는게 마이클님께 정말 죄송하네요…. 여튼 정말 감사합니다!

  4. This is great lecture!! 마이클 쌤 덕에 토익 단어 다시한번 리뷰할수 있게되었네요!! 이제 비싼 토익책이나 인강 등록안해도 되겠어요!!
    마이클 쌤 앱하고, 잉글리쉬코리안닷컴만 있으면 될 듯^^ 감사합니다

  5. 단어수준이 토익보단 조금 어려운 것 같지만 한 번 열심히 외워봐야겠네요! 감사합니다~

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