일상적인 한국어를 영어로 6 (아이작 선생님과!)

EiK Podcast 112: 일상적인 한국어를 영어로 6 (With 아이작 선생님) 


아래 표현들은 한국사람들이 일상적으로 자주 쓰는데 막상 영어로 옮기려면 뭐라고 해야 되는지 쉽게 떠오르지 않는 표현들입니다. 아래 표현을 영어로 옮겨보시고 아래 답지로 확인해보세요.

1. 엄마한테 혼났어?

2. 응 완전 혼났어.  (깨졌어)

3. 걱정해줘서 고마워요.

4. 죄송합니다. 앞으로는 이런 일 없도록 하겠습니다.

5. 주말에 남자(인) 친구 만났어요.

6. 이따가 외식하러 나가자.

7. 금방 갈게요.

8. 다음(정류장)에 내려요.

9. 먼저 도착하면 내 자리 잡고 있어.

10. 나는 더 열심히 공부할 필요가 있다.



다 풀어보셨나요? 그럼 아래 답을 확인해보세요.


1. 엄마한테 혼났어?
Did you get in trouble with your mom?

2. 응 완전 혼났어.  (깨졌어)
Yeah, I got in big trouble.
Yeah, I got yelled at.

3. 걱정해 줘서 고마워요.
Thanks for your concern.
Thanks for caring.
Thanks for asking.

4. 죄송합니다. 앞으로는 이런 일 없도록 하겠습니다.
I’m so sorry.  I’ll make sure this never happens again.

5. 주말에 남자(인) 친구 만났어요.
I met a guy friend last weekend.

6. 이따가 외식하러 나가자.
Let’s go out to eat later.

7. 금방 갈게요.
I’ll be right there.

8. 다음(정류장)에 내려요.
I’m getting off at the next stop.
This is my stop.
I’ll be getting off here.

9. 먼저 도착하면 내 자리 잡고 있어.
If you get there first, save a seat for me.

10. 나는 더 열심히 공부할 필요가 있다.
I need to study harder.
I need to work harder.


Hey, everyone! Welcome to my site.

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11 thoughts on “일상적인 한국어를 영어로 6 (아이작 선생님과!)

  1. Your pod cast is so addictive!
    I wish I had known about it earlier. Well, it is never late, I guess.

    I was sad when you said you still need to figure out how to make living out of this.
    If I click on the advertising boxes on the web, will that give you some commission?
    What is the best way to support you?
    I will make a donation as well.

    I appreciate your effort and sharing your knowledge with us listenners.
    Have a great weekend!


    1. Hi!

      I’m really glad to hear that you are enjoying the show.
      Thanks so much for your interest in supporting me and my work.

      Let me know if you have any specific requests for show topics.

      Thanks again. ^^


      1. Hi

        Do you know a blog called ‘Eat your kimchi’? It ‘s run by a Canadian couple
        (full-time bloggers) reviewing K-pop and living in Korea.
        They recently started a fundraiser and it was a huge success.
        (raised over USD 40,000 in a day)

        I thought perhaps you could run something like that.
        Because I would really like to see EIK grow bigger and hope you could stay in Korea focusing on making awesome pod cast and doing what you love doing.

        Here is the link to the fundraiser, if you’d like to check it out.
        Hope I am not being too nosy.



        1. Thanks for the tip!
          I think my audience has to grow a little more before that can happen though.
          I need a broader support base before I can make an effective appeal.



  2. 고맙습니다 마이클, IT’S SO HELPING!
    I’ve been in Canada for about 1 and half year. When staying in foreign contury, I think learning its language is most important thing. Actually I haven’t studied for sometime, I had to work over 8 hours every day. but I really wanted to learn English again so quit working,
    and started studying English about a month ago
    I feel like the more I study English the harder It is.
    you know, they two language have totally different sentence structure right?

    한국어로 수업하시는거 보고 충격 받았어요, 어떻게 한국어를 공부하셨는지도 궁금하고요
    아마 제가 그 반대의 방법으로 공부하면 되지 않을까하는 생각이 드네요
    특히 LISTENING 이 안되는게 제일 답답한거 같아요.
    한국에서 이렇게 영어교육에 힘써주시는거 너무 감사드립니다!!

  3. It seems like I have such a long way to go to master English… Ah… but, it was really helpful. Thank you 🙂

  4. I got 2 yeses, 3 maybes, and 5 nos. I need to work harder on traslating from Korean to English. I always get some trouble with speaking sentences grammatically at the very moment. The order’s twisted. I think I should make efforts more to make it.

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