오늘의 표현 벼락치기! (필수 표현 25개를 배우는 방송, Part 1)

그동안 ‘오늘의 표현’ 방송을 일일이 챙겨보지 못하신 분들을 위해 1편부터 25편까지 종합한 스피드 리뷰 편을 만들었습니다. 짧은 시간 동안 중요한 표현들을 빠르게 배워 보세요. 그동안 챙겨보셨던 분들에게도 좋은 복습의 기회가 될 것 같아요.

제 무료 영어 학습 사이트: www.EnglishinKorean.com
무료 유튜브 채널: https://www.youtube.com/EnglishInKorean
유료 유튜브 채널: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO2F3NZ-Ic_h1BEeiJYoF6w

1. It’s up to you.
2. The train is pulling into the station.
3. Can you tell the difference?
4. Printout, handout
5. I’m about to have a mental breakdown.
6. He is one of my best friends.
7. I’m a morning person.
8. I have company.
9. For a foreigner, he’s pretty good at Korean.
10. I’m an introvert.
11. Freshman, sophomore, junior, senior
12. Thanks for making the time to see me.
13. What brought you to Korea in the first place?
14. He did it on the spot.
15. I took a leave of absence.
16. I get that a lot.
17. We’ve been playing phone tag all day long.
18. He’s so wishy-washy.
19. Please remind me.
20. We have a lot in common.
21. Snap out of it.
22. By, until
23. Back in my heyday…
24. Sounds like fun.
25. Good sport, bad sport, spoilsport


Hey, everyone! Welcome to my site.

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