마이클의 5분 과외

July 12, 2013

1. What’s going on here?

2. Go overboard
I think you went (a little) overboard.
유의어: to go too far

3. Go ahead with something
They’ve decided to go ahead with budget cuts.
예산 삭감

4. Go on and on about
He’s always going on and on about his children.
고슴도치도 제 새끼는 예쁘다고 한다
Everyone thinks their child is a baby Einstein.

5. Go astray
He fell in with a bad crowd and now I think he’s starting to go astray.

6. Go along with someone or something
친구따라 강남 간다더니
왜 그 친구 하자는 대로만 하니?
If you disagreed, why did you just go along with it?

7. Go against someone or something
In Korea, it’s a scary thing to go against one’s parents.

8. Go against the grain
성미에 맞지 않게
Wood grain, tree rings: 나뭇결, 나이테
It’s going against the grain for him to admit that he was wrong
It’s always difficult to go against the grain.
Everyone else is selling and we are buying? Why are we going against the grain?

9. Go down in flames
불 붙어서
대참사로 끝나다
Wow, that plan really went down in flames.

10. Go in one ear and out the other
I told you about this three times yesterday! I guess it just went in one ear and out the other.

June 25, 2013

Television-related idioms

The tube
You tube
Anything good on the tube?

SD: standard definition
HD: high definition


Entertainment center
Coffee table
TV dinners
Couch potato

Let’s see what’s on.
Anything good on?

What are you up to?
I’m just watching TV.

I saw you on TV.
He was on the news yesterday.
Have you ever been on TV?
Not: “came out on TV”

What time is it on?
What’s your favorite TV show?
What’s your all-time favorite TV show?

Remote controller
Remote control
Not “remote con”
Where’s the remote?

What kind of TV shows do you watch?
I don’t really care for sitcoms
I don’t really care for crime dramas
I’m a big fan of reality TV

There’s nothing good on TV.
Rerun (재방송)
It’s a rerun.

TV spot
Commercial break

Open up the TV guide.

Silver screen (은막)
옛날 영화관의 막에 들어간 성분에서 비롯됨)

Silver screen and the small screen

I was just flipping through the channels.
I was just channel surfing

Did you check the TV guide?
Pull up the TV Guide.

Did you catch friends yesterday?
Did you catch the American Idol finale?

I don’t really follow baseball.

There are (way) too many commercials on TV.

May 22, 2013

“Lay” and “lie”
I’m going to lie down for a few minutes.
I’m going to lay this book on the table.
(Past tense)
I lay down for 30 minutes, then got up and did my homework.
I laid the book on the table.

Anyways (incorrect)
Anyway (correct)

Where you at? (slang)
Where are you?

Thanks a lot!
Alot (incorrect)

“Everyday” and “every day”
He’s an everyday kind of guy.
I study every day.

May 8, 2013

Why him, of all people?
Why her, of all the women out there?
Why today, of all days in the year?

이 표현은 아래처럼 어순과 상관없이 쓸 수 있습니다.
Why did you bring him, of all people?
Of all people, why did you bring him?
Why, of all people, did you bring him?

Why did it have to rain today, of all days?
Why, of all days, did it have to ran on the day we were going to have a picnic?

Of all the women in the world, why did you have to date my ex?
Of all the women out there, why would you date her?


‘손발이 오그라들다’를 영어로

To cringe at
Cringeworthy moments

Her ridiculous overacting left the audience cringing.
The incessant awkward dialogue was cringeworthy.

소름 돋다
소름 끼치다
It gave me goose bumps. (또는 goosebumps)
It gave me the chills.
Her virtuosic performance gave me goose bumps.

유의어: masterful, exquisite, inspired

Difference between 닭살이 돋다 and “It gives me goose bumps.”
Not used to describe something sleazy or disgusting.

남들의 과도한 신체적 접촉에 대해서 ‘It gave me goose bumps’를 쓰면 매우 이상할 거고 대신 아래 표현을 쓰시면 돼요.
The word “eww”
Eww, that’s disgusting!
That’s gross!
I’m gonna be sick.

Corny jokes
Lame jokes

억지 연기: forced acting
His acting seemed so forced.

억지 코미디: forced comedy
억지 웃음: forced laughter

His corny jokes made me cringe.

Always used in possessive form.
He’s in his teens.
She’s in her 20s.
He’s in his 50s.
I think he may be in his 80s.
They’re in their teens.

No apostrophe after the zero, despite the fact that many native speakers make this mistake.

He’s a teenager.

Twentysomething (또는 twenty-something)

The youth, the elderly…
청년층, 노년층
Middle age, middle-aged
Once you hit middle age…
중년이 되면

A middle-aged man walked up to me on the street yesterday.
중년의 한 남자가…

People in their 20s
People in their 40s
Respondents in their 20s cited financial insecurity as the number one cause of stress in their lives.

Uncountable Nouns!

-pieces, words

Korean grammar is very complex.
I have so much grammar to memorize before the test.
I’m having a hard time with English grammar.

He has an expansive vocabulary.
She has an amazing vocabulary.
I can’t memorize all this vocabulary by tomorrow!
“Vocabulary” is abbreviated as “vocab” — not “voca.”

I still have five homework assignments to make up.

Thanks for sharing all that information with me.

He has given me so much advice over the years.


Pout – (입술을) 삐죽거리다


Stop moping around!

He’s being a baby.
He’s acting like a (little) baby.
Sometimes he can be very childish.

He’s pouting like a baby because…
He didn’t get the part.

He’s really bummed out.
It’s a bummer.

He didn’t get his way.
He’s pouting again because he didn’t get his way.

He always gets his way.
He’s spoiled.
What a spoiled brat!
That child is completely spoiled.

Momma’s boy.
You’re such a momma’s boy!

How do you take your coffee?
The plane took off.
The business really took off. (사업이 대박났어요.)
He doesn’t take me seriously. (그는 나를 얕잡아 봐요.)
Don’t take this lightly. (가볍게 여기지 마세요.)
This news shouldn’t be taken lightly.
He took it the wrong way. (그는 그것을 잘못 받아들였어요.) (오해하다)
How did he take the news?
She didn’t take it well.
He can’t take a joke. (농담 받아들이지 못하는 사람)
Don’t take it personally. (감정적으로 받아들이지 마세요)
Don’t take this the wrong way, but…

Rarely used to mean “해야 하다,” except in formal speech.
“Have to” is used conversationally, while “must” is used in essays and other formal writing.

“Must” used to express a guess
You must be tired.
You must be worn out.
You must be exhausted. (힘 다 빠졌겠어요.)
You must be so relieved. (마음이 놓이시겠어요/안심되시겠어요)
You must have let out a sigh of relief at the news that he was safe.
You must’ve been so disappointed.
They must’ve been devastated.
They must’ve been just devastated at the news. (처참한 심정이었겠어요)


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10 thoughts on “마이클의 5분 과외

  1. 저는 호주에서 살고 있구요. 윈도우8에 있는 튠인(Tunein) 앱에 선생님 강의가 있는 계기로 알게 되었습니다. 저도 평상시에 호주친구들에서 Sulky라는 표현을 쓰고 있었는데요.. 반은은 반반이었어요 ㅋㅋ 의도를 아는 친구도 있고 모르는 친구도 있고.. 근데 Moping around는 더 어려운듯해요.. ㅠ.ㅠ 오늘 시도했지만 모두 실패했어요.. ㅋㅋ 호주에선 잘 안쓰는 표현일까요?? 친구들은 오히려 Sulking around가 더 낫지 않냐고도 하더라구요..

  2. 영어로 썼다 쑥스러서 한글로 써요ㅋ
    제 올해목표가 일주일에 하나씩 마이클선생님 강의듣고
    정리해서 공부하는것입니다ㅋ
    새해지난후 계속 지키고있어요 ㅎ
    이번주는 벌써 3강의째듣고 있네요ㅋ
    이런 리플도 마이클쌤 강의에 첨 달아봅니다^^
    너무 강의가 재밌고 감사해서 자동적으로 리플어디에 달지?하며 찾게되네요ㅋ 올한해도 유익한 강의하신다고 바쁘실 마이클쌤 건강하고 행복하세요^^

  3. 마이클 선생님~ 오랫만에 왔는데, 홈페이지 새단장 하셨네요!
    5분과외 동영상 올라왔다는 알림^^받고 유툽 들렸다가 홈페이지로도 부르심 받고 왔지요!!
    역시 생활에서 사용할 수 있게 중요한 문법만 쏙쏙 집어주는 마이클 선생님 강의 완전 조아여

  4. 영어관련 웹사이트등을 보다 우연히 알게된 마이클쌤의 잉인코는 정말 신선했고 지금은 감동입니다. 예전 촬영분에는 어떤 내용을 다루었을까 궁금하여 모두 보며 배우고 있습니다. 댓글을 잘 달지 않는데 용기내어 말해봅니다.^^영어를 좋아하고 관련일을 함에도 불구하고 가끔은 어떻게 해야 다음단계로 오를수있을지 난감하거나 좌절하게 될때가 많습니다. 초급에서 중급의 내용을 다루는 곳은 많지만 중급에서 상급 또는 상급 그 이상을 다루는 곳이 많지 않고 이 시점에선 대단한 인내심의 시간이고 심지어 자신과의 싸움마저 됩니다. 하지만 한국어를 유창하게 하시는 마이클 쌤을 보며 다시 도전의지를 불태웁니다. 현지에서 느낄수 있는 생활 속 미묘한 표현의 차이를 정확한 설명과 예문으로 풀어주셔서 다시 한번 감사합니다.

    1. Thanks for the words of encouragement! It’s been hard for me to study advanced Korean too. The final stages of learning a language are always the toughest. Good luck!


  5. 오랜만에 와서 새로 개설한 5분강의 오늘 처음 듣는데 너무 좋아요. 짧아서 바빠도 빨리 듣을 수 있고 내용이 간단해서 기억하기 좋습니다.
    오늘 배운 용법 내일 써먹어야겠어요.
    강의 만들어주시느라 수고하셨구요, 고맙습니다.

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