토익 어휘 시험 답지 1단계 (어휘)

EiK Podcast 124: Vocab Quiz Answer Sheet

Quiz 1
1. After the professional singer scored a mere 40 points at the noraebang, he was utterly _______ and retired from public life.
2. The sudden loss of his job and longtime girlfriend left him _____ .
3. I really can never do anything right at work. My boss is always yelling at me. I feel so ______ .
4. Jenny’s teacher is saying that she barely has any friends at school. I think she’s being _______ by some mean girls in her class.
5. I’ve spearheaded every one of the toughest projects our firm has tackled and I’m the one who works the longest hours by far. Whenever it’s promotion time, however, I’m always overlooked. I’m feeling really ______ .

Quiz 2
1. Ever since the first moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she was the one for me. I guess you can say I was _______ .
2. During all the time he’s worked for us, he has never once executed his duties at a satisfactory level. He’s clearly not cut out for this job, and I’d even go as far as to say that he is _______ .
3. Our guest lecturer that day came all the way from America just to speak to us. The audience, however, was largely unappreciative and many people were even sending text messages and talking on the phone during his talk. I, for one, was ______ by their behavior.
4. He had always dreamed of following in his father’s footsteps and attending Harvard University. He has been absolutely _______ since he found out that he didn’t get in.
5. Even as he was still ______ from the shock of losing his mother in a car accident, he was hit with another tragedy when his house burned to the ground.
6. When I heard that my best friend had been saying those terrible things about me behind my back, I was left ______ .
7. Sometimes I feel like being a step-parent is a thankless job. I’ve taken care of those kids as if they were my own, but still they treat me like an outsider. I’m starting to feel _____ .
8. I knew that bullying has always been a major problem in the schools, but I sure never imagined that I would be ________ like this in my workplace.
9. I’ve been putting in 60-hour weeks for the last five years and now my boss is asking for even more. There’s a fine line between being _______ and being exploited.
10. ______ former employees returning to the workplace and wreaking havoc is a serious problem that our society must address.
11. When I found that my parents had read my diary, I was just ______ . I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life.


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Quiz 1
Humiliated (기타 가능한 답들: devastated, crestfallen)
Reeling (overwhelmed, devastated)
Incompetent (overwhelmed)

Quiz 2

Crestfallen / Devastated



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