어휘 늘리기 3

EiK Podcast 82: 어휘 늘리기 3

어휘 공부하실 때 항상 알아두세요. 어려운 어휘를 외웠는데 활용할 수 없으면 말 그대로 쓸데없는 단어를 배운 거죠. 많은 단어를 얕게 배우는 것보다 적은 수의 단어를 깊이 배우고 예문도 암기해서 쓸 수 있다면 훨씬 좋은 거예요.

다음에 외국인 친구와 이야기할 때 아래 단어 중 하나를 꼭 쓰는 걸 우리의 목표로 삼읍시다!

Vocabulary Builder 3

1. Inexplicable: 불가해한

  • How could those animals have known there was going to be an earthquake before it even struck? Animal sense is truly inexplicable.

2. Uncanny: 초인적인, 초자연적인, 신기한 (유의어: supernatural)

  • My wife has the uncanny ability to always tell when I’m hiding something from her.
  • He has an uncanny resemblance to President Obama.

3. Kitsch: 촌스러운 장식품

  • I traveled to the Chinese countryside to find some deeper Asian wisdom but all I found was Kung-fu kitsch.

4. Laconic: (간결한, 말이 별로 없는)

  • For a while she attempted to maintain correspondence with her husband during his dispatch to the front lines, but his continuously laconic replies soon frustrated her attempts at long-distance connection.

5. Slew: 많음, 다수 (명사)

  • I thought he was displeased because of his supervisor, but when I met with him personally, he confessed a slew of complaints.

6. Panache: 겉치레

  • Have you every seen him give a presentation? He has a surprising amount of panache.

7. Affluent: 부유한, 유복한 (유의어: wealthy, rich)

  • He hails from an affluent suburb of Washington D.C.

8. Lucrative: 득이 되는, 수익 많은 (유의어: profitable)

  • He runs a very lucrative poultry farm on the outskirts of town.

9. Esoteric: 심오한, 심원한

  • I enjoy his writing, but at times he gets a little too deep into esoteric Christian doctrine.

10. Exude: 풍기다

  • He exudes masculinity.
  • I think the way he exudes professionalism and courtesy has always helped to earn him respect among his peers.


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