따라 말하기 연습! 기초 영어 회화 6편: 약속

English Conversation Bootcamp Part 6: Making Plans!

제 무료 영어 학습 사이트: www.EnglishinKorean.com

무료 유튜브 채널: https://www.youtube.com/EnglishInKorean

유료 유튜브 채널: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO2F3NZ-Ic_h1BEeiJYoF6w

I have plans.
I have a plan.

I have plans.
I’m sorry, but I have plans.
I’d really like to hang out later, but I have plans.

Do you have plans later?
Do you have plans for the weekend?

Do you have the time? (Same as asking “What time is it?” Not a pickup line.)

Dialogue 1 (7:11)
A: Hey, Mike. Wanna grab a beer after work?
B: Normally, I’d say yes, but I’ve got plans with the wife today.
A: OK. Well, next time then.

(Normally I’d be down.)


To make plans

Make an appointment
Set up an appointment
What time do you wanna meet tomorrow?
What time is good for you?
When’s good for you?

Dialogue 2 (11:53)
A: Did you make plans with Dad for Christmas?
B: No, not yet. What time should we head over there?
A: Well, I have plans for lunch, so let’s meet up after that.
B: Sounds good.



Doctor’s appointment
Dentist’s appointment
An appointment with my lawyer
I wasn’t able to get an appointment with the doctor until 2016.


I can’t make it!

I don’t think I’ll be able to make it to class next week.
I will not go (avoid this phrase)
I can’t keep our plans/appointment/promise
Cancel plans

I’ve gotta bail

Dialogue 3 (19:40)
A: Hey, man. I’m really sorry, but I don’t think I’ll be able to make it later.
B: Ah, don’t sweat it. Let’s try to meet up next week sometime.


Let’s reschedule!

Put it off / hold off on decision
Push it back

Dialogue 4 (22:00)
A: I’m really sorry, but I think I’ll have to reschedule our coffee date.
B: Oh, really? That’s too bad. I was really looking forward to getting caught up.
A: Yeah, me too. Things have just been so hectic at work.
B: I completely understand. Just get in touch again when you’re available.


She didn’t show up!

He didn’t show up for the meeting.
He was a no-show.
She stood me up!
She blew me off

Dialogue 5 (27:05)
A: How was the blind date?
B: It was a complete disaster: I waited for an hour, but she never showed up.
A: Oh, that’s terrible! Did she tell you why?
B: No, she hasn’t even been taking my calls.


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