원어민처럼 말하기! (기초 영어 회화) 1편: 인사말 (Part 1)

오랜만에 새로운 연재를 시작합니다!
이번에 처음으로 체계적으로 초보자를 위한 영어 회화 강의를 만들어봤습니다. 앞으로도 꾸준히 다양한 상황을 다루는 강의를 만들어서 올릴 예정입니다.

첫 편에서 원어민처럼 인사하는 법을 살펴보고 한국사람들이 항상 궁금해하는 ‘What’s up?’에 대한 적합한 대답을 배웁니다!

공유하거나 댓글을 달거나 라이크해주시면 많은 도움이 됩니다. 주변에 기초 영어를 공부하고 싶어하는 사람이 있으면 소개해주세요.

도움이 많이 되시길 ^^


이 연재의 제일 최신 편을 고화질로 보시려면 제 무료 유튜브 채널에 가시면 됩니다!




인사말! Greetings

A lot more more small talk takes place in the US.

(Formal greetings)
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good evening

Respond with the same greeting

(Sometimes “good morning” is shortened to “morning.”)

Good day, sir! (Old-fashioned greeting, now often used as a dismissal)

What’s up?
What’s up, man?
Hey there.

(Contrast with: “What’s up with you?” “What’s up with him?” etc.)

What’s up?
Hey, man.
How’s it going? (goin’)

(Spoken quickly, this can be a greeting too)
How are you?
How are you doing today?
How’s your afternoon going?
How are things?
How ya been?
How are you guys doing today?

(I’m) Doing All right.
I’m doing fine, thanks.
Going well so far. How about you/yours?
Things are OK/great/going well/couldn’t be better
I’ve been all right. How ‘bout you?

What are you up to?
What are you up to today?
What are you up to this weekend?
What’s going on?

Just ~ing.
Just hanging out.
Just trying to get some work done.
Just heading over to the beach.
Just studying.
Nothing much. What about you?

(When you’re happy to see someone)
(It’s) nice to see you again!
There she is!
Oh, there he is!
Oh, look who it is!
Long time no see!
It’s been a long time. How ya been?
What a nice surprise!
What a small world!


(Wrapping up the conversation)

Well, gotta run.
I’d better get going.
I’d better hit the road.

OK, see you around!
All right. Take care.
OK. Take you you later.
Catch ya later.

Nice weather we’re having, huh?
Crazy weather we’re having, huh?

Practice Quiz

A: Good morning!
B: (Choose the appropriate answer)

A: Hey, man! How ya been? Long time no see!
B: (Choose an appropriate answer)

A: Good afternoon. What are you guys/folks up to today?
B: ?

A: What’s up?
B: ?

A: Hi there! How’s your day going?
B: ?


Hey, everyone! Welcome to my site.

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2 thoughts on “원어민처럼 말하기! (기초 영어 회화) 1편: 인사말 (Part 1)

  1. Good morning
    I always thank you for your twitter, fb, utube and so on.
    Of course I bought your book 잉글리쉬인코리언.
    I have two requests.
    One is that I really want to improve listening English.
    So you would give more time to listening part.
    The one is that many students seemed to buy your book.
    so I think you give a off line lecture about that book to us.
    I always support your passion on teaching english.

    I appreciate you

    1. Hello!
      Thanks for your support. I’m actually doing a free offline lecture tomorrow in Hongdae. If you have the time, why don’t you attend? In my new series, I’m planning on including more speaking and listening practice.

      Thanks for leaving a message. ^^

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