음악 관련 표현과 자작곡 맛보기편!

EiK Podcast 93: 음악 관련 표현과 자작곡 맛보기편 


  • She sings soprano in the church choir.
  • Mario Lanza was an outstanding tenor of the early 20th century.
  • My voice falls in the baritone range.

Tone deaf: 음치
Perfect pitch: 절대음감
Piece: 곡

  • Everyone in my family besides me is completely tone deaf.  I wonder how that happened.
  • People with perfect pitch are often annoyed by out-of-tune music.
Movement: 악장
Symphony: 교향곡
Concerto: 협주곡
Chamber music: 실내악 

  • I am particularly fond of the fifth movement of Mahler’s Second Symphony.
  • One of my favorite pieces of chamber music is the Mozart Clarinet Quintet.

Percussion: 타악기
Strings: 현악기
Winds: 관악기
Woodwinds:  목관악기
Brass: 금관악기

  • The saxophone and flute are woodwind instruments despite the fact that they are made out of metal.
  • It is a little-known fact that the piano is a percussion instrument.

주둥이: mouthpiece (입에 대는 부분)

  • Clarinet and saxophone mouthpieces are usually made out of hardened rubber.
  • Double-reed instruments, including the oboe and bassoon, do not have mouthpieces.
Intro: 전주
Outro: 맨 끝 부분 (intro의 반대말)
Chorus: 후렴
The hook: 어떤 곡의 강조되는 짧은 부분, 후렴일 수도 있음
Lip-synching (또는 lip-syncing): 립싱크 

  • I finished the verse and intro a long time ago, but I’m still struggling to come up with a good hook.

The score, music: 악보

  • I was in such a hurry this morning that I left the score at home.  How am I supposed to conduct the piece now?
Minor key: 단조
Major key: 장조 

  • When it comes to music from the classical period, I prefer pieces in a minor key.

Catchy: 중독성 있고 머릿속에 맴도는
Addictive 중독성 있는

  • Songs used in advertisements, commonly referred to as jingles, are extremely catchy by nature.

The beat drops: 박자가 시작되는 순간
The single drops: 곡이 발표되다

  • The beat drops in measure 11.
  • My single drops January 10!


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3 thoughts on “음악 관련 표현과 자작곡 맛보기편!

  1. 제가 알기로 score는 지휘자가 보는 악보인 것 같은데, 이 경우 한국어로는 총보 라고 하지 않나요?
    음악 수업 시간에 일반 악보는 music이라고 했던것 같기도 합니다.
    score에는 심포니에 나오는 악기 전체의 악보가 한번에 그려져있어서 일반 악보와는 구별해서 쓰는말이거든요..^^

  2. 안녕하세요 마이클님!
    It is a little-know fact that the piano is a percussion instrument.에서 ‘little-known’ 아닌지요?
    재미있고 유익한 영어팁 항상 감사드립니다.

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